Gosport Society Charity number 289942 © all rights reserved - See the Society’s constitution here



Gosport Society




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All publications listed below are also

available to order


Short Walks with a Difference : Urban Trails from The Gosport Society

The Gosport Society has published a series of four illustrated booklets outlining short walks in the Borough of Gosport. The titles give  clues to the quirky outlook of the booklets. In The Gosport Town Trail facts and history combine in an intriguing ramble along Gosport’s streets and byways. Curious Encounters in Gosport Parks and Gardens takes in the unique plant and animal life and monuments tucked away in parks and green spaces. Putting People in Their Places recounts the fascinating life stories of six men and six women who left a mark in Gosport in the arts, commerce, social service, religion and music; and the buildings and places associated with their activities. The fourth and final booklet, Naval Gazing in Gosport, parcels out the 18 miles or so of Gosport’s waterfront into sections that all have unique maritime stories to tell often bound up with the Royal Navy and the Defence of the Realm.

Popular with visitors and local alike, the booklets come in handy pocket size, complete with original colour photographs, and a locations map on the inside front cover. They make a great small, inexpensive gift and stocking filler. You can follow the walks according to the suggestions given; or you can do them at leisure in bits and bobs on days and at times of your choosing. Many of the walks are child-friendly. Cafes, shops, pubs and bus stops are never far away. Do some or all of these walks and The Gosport Society believes that you will gain a new insight into what makes this 800 year old borough tick!

Available at a nominal price £1.00 per copy plus postage

Contact : secretary@gosportsociety.co.uk to order a copy of these interesting and informative booklets

Priced at only £1.00 each plus postage

booklets1 001.jpg booklets3 001.jpg booklets2 003.jpg booklets4 001.jpg

The synoptic history of, and handbook to The Gosport Society


1. The Gosport Society 1970-2020.The First Fifty Years. Introductory Remarks.

2. What is The Gosport Society?

3. Origins and Development 1970-2020.

4. Spreading the Words : The Gosport Society as a Successful Regional Publisher.

5. Indicative and varied Society Achievements.

6. Re-imagining Gosport for the Next Fifty Years.

7. 800 Years.

8. Reference Documents

ORDER YOUR COPY HERE  - contact  secretary@gosportsociety.co.uk


Edited by Louis Murray

This publication is published by The History Press.

Gosport Society is a ‘Partner’ of the Gosport Heritage Action Zone initiative (HAZ) , Project No18 being an Informed Publication.

The publication is intended to promote Gosport’s profile locally and nationally, expressing its awareness and the significance of Gosport’s military heritage.

The 160 page book includes very interesting articles from a range of local authors.

Gosport Society Members - contact  secretary@gosportsociety.co.uk